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Nylunds Boathouse operates as a family-owned company in the boat industry. The company was founded in 2016 and the main office is located in Port of Lappvik, Hanko (Finland). Since June 2019, the company also has a sales office in Saltsjö Pir, Stockholm (Sweden). In Hanko, you can find all boat services for demanding boaters. In Hanko, our company offers maintenance service and also bigger refit services and of course winter storage for both motor and sailboats. We are also a respected operator in the field of boat sales. We sell and broker motorboats and sailboats with solid professionalism. In Stockholm, we focus on motorboat sales and brokerage services. Nylunds Boathouse exclusively represents the prestigious Finnish Nord Star boat brand in Sweden and Denmark. Although the company is quite young, our employees have more than 30 years of experience in the boat industry. It is important for us to offer good personal customer service in Finnish, Swedish and English. We always do our best to ensure that our services and products meet our customers requirements and we maintain a high standard in every area.
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